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资本主义崛起和发展的历史是一部资本全球化的历史,即资本流向全球、在全世界扩张蔓延的历史。在此历史过程中,造成资本积累的空间矛盾与生态危机的全球化,不断加剧对欠发达国家或地区生态空间的占有与剥夺。发展中国家总体上处于全球产业链的底端,在追求经济社会发展的道路上不可避免地会遇到资本全球化的生态风险挑战,甚至陷入资本权力构筑的生态陷阱。面对全球化浪潮与资本的全球化,发展中国家不可能完全拒斥资本,但也不能对其听之任之,应建立国内统一大市场,掌握经济社会发展的主动权;设立生态门槛,限制和导控国际资本;聚合广大发展中国家之力,构建国际公认的生态话语权;推进人类命运共同体建设,加强全球生态治理,维护全球生态安全,在持续推进全球化进程中实现人与自然的和谐共生。  相似文献   
国际法治是全球治理在国际法规、制度层面的重要方法和路径,推动国际法治建设对完善国际秩序和全球治理体系的意义重大。党的十八大以来,以习近平同志为核心的党中央先后提出了一系列国际法治建设的新理念,致力于为不断解决全球性问题、完善全球治理体系贡献中国智慧和中国方案。在理论层面,中国主张强调以《联合国宪章》、和平共处五项原则等公认的国际法规为准则,倡导创设民主、科学、公正的国际良法,统筹推动国内法治与国际法治、国际硬法与国际软法的共同发展,为实现全球良法善治提供方向指引。在实践层面,中国不断提升推进国际法治建设的能力和水平,不仅在国际立法方面,而且在解决国际争端、国际人权保护和共建“一带一路”等领域都积极贡献自己的力量,推动了国际法治体系的完善和法治合作机制的创新,成为国际法治建设和全球治理变革的积极参与者和推动者。习近平关于国际法治立场观点的提出,构成国际法治建设中国方案的主要内容,其对于中国提升解决国际问题和维护国家利益的能力、促进国际秩序和全球治理体系的民主化发展、推动构建人类命运共同体,具有深远影响。  相似文献   
Up to 25% of institutionalized patients with cognitive deficiencies display pica-like behavior, with an estimated annual incidence of small bowel obstruction of 2%. We present a case based on the forensic autopsy of a 41-year-old woman who died as a result of a missed diagnosis of small bowel obstruction after ingesting a foreign body. The case underlines the importance of precaution when treating patients with cognitive deficiency and/or language deficits and gastrointestinal symptoms. In such cases, it is important to employ a liberal threshold for radiological investigations and, if possible, obtain a medical history from a person close to the patient.  相似文献   
贾志强 《法学研究》2022,44(1):120-134
目前我国刑事值班律师制度规范背后折射出有权机关抑制辩方权利的倾向。根据法律规范意旨,只要被追诉人没有辩护人,国家就应“强制指派”值班律师介入案件。将“约见”解读为国家指派值班律师需以被追诉人申请为前提,这混淆了律师会见与介入案件的关系,且将国家责任转嫁给个人,弱化了对被追诉人获得最低限度法律援助权利的保障。相关规范性文件将值班律师阅卷权能限定为“查阅”,但基于法律援助法第37条的文义、控辩平等之程序公正底线要求等因素,值班律师阅卷权能还应包括“摘抄”“复制”。《法律援助值班律师工作办法》第10条第2款规定,值班律师有量刑异议时,只要其认可犯罪嫌疑人认罪认罚的自愿性,就应在具结书上签字。这是对值班律师功能“见证化”的公开宣示,与2018年刑事诉讼法第201条的意旨以及值班律师实质性参与量刑协商的改革要求相矛盾。值班律师应被赋予拒绝签字的权利。“实质性参与”应是目前完善值班律师制度的基本方向。  相似文献   
An STR null allele is an allele at a microsatellite locus that fails to amplify. A possible cause is poor primer annealing due to nucleotide sequence divergence in the flanking primers. In this study, a woman (ZAM) wanted to know whether a man (PGAF) was the father of her child (ZGC). During the court settlement, PGAF died. PGAF’s parents refused to undergo DNA investigation and denied the access to biological fragments from their dead son. Although, DNA specimens were obtained from buccal swabs of ZAM, ZGC and PGAF’s paternal sister (PTFS). Initially, only autosomal profiles were studied, and kinship assignment was inconclusive. Following our requests, PGAF’s parents (PRGF and LLGM) led us to obtain their DNA specimens. Only with the PTFS genetic profile, we were not able to demonstrate a kinship assignment. PTFS showed a homozygosis at D8S1179 locus. Then, merely comparing PTFS, LLGM and ZGC autosomal genetic profiles it was possible to underline that they were three different homozygous at D8S1179 locus. Hence, comparing the peak heights in different loci and according to literature, they had to carry a null allele at this locus. Parental studies were completed by Y haplotype analysis.  相似文献   
This study describes the use of the 27 loci Yfiler® Plus kit and TaqMan™ SNP genotyping to characterise and predict the haplogroups of Y chromosomes within the four major ethnic populations of Ghana. Haplogroups were assigned using the desktop NevGen software (https://www.nevgen.org/). The E1b1a and E1b1b haplogroups are the most common in the Ghanaian population and form 95% of the dataset. The Mole-Dagomba sub-population had 4. 8% assigned to the haplogroups G, H, R1b, R2 and T. The Ewe had two samples assigned to haplogroups C and D whilst the Akan had one sample each assigned to haplogroups B, J1 and J2. The NevGen predicted haplogroups were further screened with TaqMan™ genotyping for confirmation. In conclusion, ≈ 95% of the dataset was classified as M-E1b1a using NevGen combined with TaqMan™ SNP Genotyping for confirmation. The TaqMan™ also revealed 5% as J1 and other haplogroups, using an in-house control from the J1 haplogroup.  相似文献   
满足《民法典》第416条要件的购置款抵押权可以对抗公示在先的固定担保权,此种处理模式虽使外部债权人负担一定审查成本,但总体上符合利益衡量视角下的比例原则。《民法典》在浮动抵押领域中采取“登记主义”的立场,与“超级优先权规则”形成了体系性的规范协调。购置款抵押权与留置权竞存时,后者始终处于优先受偿顺位。在功能主义视角下,所有权保留和融资租赁可准用超级优先权规则,但应作必要限制。购置款抵押权人不得对抗正常经营活动中已经支付合理价款并取得抵押财产的买受人。《民法典》未明文确立担保权收益延伸规则,但在理论层面上仍尚有将其纳入现行法体系的解释空间,且民事主体可在商业实践中通过意思自治达致类似效果。  相似文献   
高志刚 《法学论坛》2022,37(1):97-108
在全面依法治国的时代背景下,司法改革的推进需要在实践理性的指导下,通过新的方法论体系来予以重新解读和把握。当下司法改革的方法论面临价值理性缺失、工具理性误区和理论范式失衡的现实困境,需要在问题导向的基础上,借鉴和利用多种社会科学方法,透过多种视角探讨如何认识改革、如何推进改革、如何评价改革,在实践建构中实现方法体系的反思性整合。以"制度化的社会回应型司法"为基本目标,协调价值理性与工具理性的冲突,统合国家治理的实践逻辑与法治的价值逻辑,统筹推进司法制度的改革和构建。  相似文献   
目的混合STR图谱的分析是法医遗传学领域的一个难题。目前国内大多数法医DNA实验室依靠人工方法分析混合STR图谱,费时费力,且拆分效果也多有主观性,难以满足日益增长的混合STR图谱分析的需求。本文介绍一套自主研发的混合STR图谱分析系统——SMART(STR Mixture Analysis and Resolution Tools),其能够实现对混合STR图谱的自动化分析,包括拆分混合STR图谱和计算似然比。方法SMART使用的STR峰高的概率模型,考虑了影子峰、降解、基因座特异性扩增效率、峰高变异、插入峰、峰丢失等因素。模型通过比较各个基因型集合拟合当前混合STR图谱的似然值大小来推断最有可能的基因型集合,采用了马尔可夫链蒙特卡洛(MCMC)算法进行求解。结果SMART可应用于不同试剂盒和遗传分析仪产生的数据。经使用ABI-3500XL遗传分析仪和Global Filer试剂盒测试,SMART能够实现对2~5人的混合STR图谱的分析,输出包括混合比例、混合图谱质量、各个贡献者单人的STR基因分型、似然比等多项结果。结论SMART作为一款自主研发的混合STR图谱分析系统,其基本涵盖了国外同类分析系统所具有的功能,技术性能指标达到国际先进水平,能够满足一线法医工作者对于混合STR图谱分析的多样化需求,提高混合STR图谱结果的利用率。  相似文献   
Often, criminal acts involving a vehicle are caught on digital video surveillance systems. While potentially useful for an investigation, the recording conditions are typically less than optimal for the extraction of key information for the identification of the perpetrator, such as a license plate. Providing the make, model and year of a questioned vehicle is a common request for examiners, to narrow the field of potential suspect vehicles. This study seeks to compare the performance of a nonpeer-reviewed make, model, and year determination between two separate groups, specifically, trained forensic image examiners and nontrained individuals. Results show that even with varied image capture conditions and quality, the trained forensic image examiners more correctly and completely identified the test group of questioned vehicles make, model, and year.  相似文献   
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